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             Hi, I'm Lucy


I help people to finally start healing from IBS symptoms, long standing constipation, bloating

and help them to understand their own unique gut better. 


Are you fed up with feeling bloated, constipated and sluggish?


Tried so many things to try to help it but nothing seems to make a difference for long?


Do you feel embarrassed to talk about your bathroom problems and feel like you must be the only one who feels this way?


If you answered yes then I want you to know you are NORMAL! Those issues you've never told anyone about, I hear those words from my clients daily! I know how you feel, I've been there myself and totally understand how hard it can be to ask for help in the toilet department. I promise you it's totally worth it. We all deserve to understand how to help our bodies to do what nature intended and spoiler alert ... it doesn't involve restrictive diets or expensive blood tests!​​


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How i can help you achieve your goals ....

Colon Hydrotherapy

Get things moving like nature intended...

Tired of bothersome issues like bloating and constipation?

If you're feeling fatigued and sluggish, or bloating is spoiling your favourite outfit, colon hydrotherapy offers a natural and effective solution to help you feel like yourself again.  

 tummy transforming packages 

Looking to experience the advantages of a detox without enduring weeks of strict diets and supplements?

Have you been struggling with persistent symptoms that seem never-ending?

Our gut cleansing packages and programs are crafted from over 15 years of clinical experience, designed to help you achieve your goals and restore your natural balance!

Knowing which type of treatment to book can be a free consultation to get expert advice 


The Calmer Gut video Series 

by When nature calls lucy

Are you tired of trying to figure out why you keep feeling bloated and constipated?


Told you probably just have IBS but can't seem to find any answers for how to manage it? 

Navigating a sea of information online while experimenting with various diets and supplements can be both costly and frustrating...


How stress might be hindering your healing process and some at-home tools to help soothe your gut.

Why certain foods you believed would alleviate your IBS symptoms could actually be exacerbating them.

Effective, budget-friendly strategies to relieve constipation, bloating, and other digestive issues based on my 20 years of experience in healing both myself and my clients.

I developed the Calmer Gut series to help you uncover the true reasons behind your gut discomfort and to share proven diet and lifestyle tips to aid in your healing journey and enhance your understanding of gut health.

With simple yet powerful tools and dietary adjustments, you can alleviate your symptoms and restore balance as nature intended!

I've done the research for you, so you can go from feeling lost to saying, "Oh! Why didn't anyone tell me this before?"

Here's What Our Clients Say About Us....

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